Our Initiatives
These Initiatives lead in multi-domain strategic net assessment exercises, specialized investigations and provides domain-specific augmentation and force multiplier enablement to government and private sector leaders in the United States and across the entire American Alliance structure globally.

The Internationalization of the Chinese Communist Party’s Shāshǒujiǎn (杀手锏) Unconventional Warfare

Surfacing Insta360: Strategic Infiltration, Cybersecurity Risks and National Security Implications

Is There an Ongoing Severe Avian Influenza Human Infection Outbreak in China?

Developing a Medical Intelligence Capability to Understand Current Biosecurity Threats

NeuroStrike Capabilities and the Strategic Role of Infrasound Weapons

Weaponizing the Nipah Virus: Rapidly Accelerating Strategic Risks Inside the Chinese Communist Party

TikTok Operations in the United States Unveiling Strategic Moves, Scientific Insights

Recent Advances in Dual-Use Virology and Nanotechnology Research in China

Current State of Key Active Bioweapons Programs of the CCP and PLA

Unraveling the Complexities of BGI Genomics in the Global Arena

Warfare in the Cognitive Age: NeuroStrike and the PLA’s Advanced Psychological Weapons & Tactics

CCP’s Strategic Tactics, Targeting of Non-CCP Intellectuals, and Social Media Cognitive Warfare

Malevolent Matrix: Forging a Coherent National Biodefense Strategy

There's Darkness in the Distance: The Rising Threat of China's EMP Weapons

Illuminating Ties: The McGovern Institute's Engagement with the PLA in Brain-Inspired AI Research

In the Shadows of Science: Unravelling China's Invisible Arsenals of Nanoweapons

Guardians of the Invisible Arsenal - Weapons Research at the Research Institute of Chemical Defense

Bipartisanship in US House of Representatives Towards the CCP Threat: Key Committees

Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the CCP
State-Backed Synthetic Narcotics Trafficking Syndicates and the Vectored Threat to the Five Eyes
The International Frontier of the CCP’s Bioweapons Program
Precision Targeting Bioweapons Facilities in a Post-CCP Regime Collapse Scenario
Enumerating, Targeting and Collapsing the Chinese Communist Party’s NeuroStrike Program